November 4, 2008

More about Jervel - Huimei

She has a sister age 8 years older than me. Mmmm giving birth soon to her first child in Dec or Jan. Wish her all the best. She also has a brother err just know elder than me. She is the youngest, Ha ha but also old liao la. lol (she will kill me for that)

She is a very nice gal I think, for I know her for so long. But she was very badly treated by her past ex-Boyfriends. Which make her very scared somehow towards relationships. From my observation, she does not really want to put in 100% towards r/s as not to get "injured deeply" later on (if any).

Anyway, I also hope so, because I'm also not sure if I'll hurt her in anyways. (I hope not). To me, She's already a blessing given to me, for ppl who know me long enough. I've almost set my mind to be single for the rest of my life. Until she appear once again. =)

I do not know how to be a better man. Can anyone give comments? What you think is a bad guy tell me, I'll try not to get into that character. Or wat you dun like in your boyfriend. Leave me comments. I appreciate it. Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA ha just be urself can liao.....

cause ur good enough......