November 17, 2008

The Wedding Bomb..... BOOMMMM!

Ha ha Weddings should be happy and fun. Hee but people being invited to the wedding only worry about one thing... "ANG BAO" hee how much should I put to give her??? Mmmm.

Hee anyway I just received a wedding invation from my primary school classmate, Shuian Harn. Hee she so thoughful still can remember me. Hee she was the rummoured, My first wife in primary school, she was once the fastest runner among the gals and I was the fastest among the guys. That's why we were put together ba, I guessed. Anyway just for your information she was the first gal who sit tgt with me side by side and share potato chips and I will even purposely miss school bus to walk home with her. 0.o. hee hee may seem nothing to a lot of you. But, to a young boy back then. It's really special to me.

Anyway now she married and I'm after Huimei, hee must be really put these aside and look forward... haha. Yesterday Huimei out with me to buy a vacuum cleaner for my mum. So thankful, after that long "shopping" around Suntec. I finally decided on a $69 cleaner. To thank her, I treat her to Coffee Club, where we sat down for a nice cup of beverage, hee I ordered for strawberry smoothie and she got a "Super yucky tea" - Red Berry Tea. Ha ha <> She really regretted it. haha taste like cough syrup. Hee serve her right, who ask her always disturb me..... =p (That day in taekwondo - Friday class, she even kicked my head during sparring, good man she's one of the least ppl who can reach my head despite of her height... muhahaha)

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