November 12, 2008

Today was a mix feeling of Happy and Sad...

Yesterday, I was very happy when I receive a expensive gift from my mum. She dun really buy gold for us. But yesterday she went to trade in - me and my brother's 'old' Gold for a Gold chain and pendant in shape of a abacaus. I dun really wear gold too, but I was touch by her when so mention that it's the only expensive gift (about near SGD$800, one for me and one for my Brother) that she can give me to let me pass on to my next generation. T.T For my kids then to my grandson.... But then I was wondering, what if nobody wants me? haha

Yesterday, I also taught my dad how to use the GPS. He was so happy, he even ask me again to repeat the procedure this morning before I go to work. =)

Then today, I think because I was too happy, I forgot to bring my handphone out. So Sad, dunno will Huimei sms me or not... haha thinking of it, I have no access to her le. To make things worst, tonight I will be staying over at my auntie Wendy's place, which means for today and tml I will not be able to sms anyone. Or nobody can get me through my phone. HOW??? =(

Haiz.... I think she will not think I trying to avoid her hor.... did not memorize her handphone number as well =.=" OMG

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