December 25, 2008

A Christmas at St James.

Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas to all my friends out there. Yesterday went Christmas countdown with Elmo, Janice and elmo's friends. Mmm a very first time experience at St James. lol can you belive it? Ha ha 26 years liao never step into St James before until yesterday. Ha ha

We went to boliers Room. Mmm the place is so packed and really can see different ppl down there. And there is so much to learn there (Janice like teaching me whole night lor.) haha. Like dun challenge ppl beer, choose hard liquor instead. Or for me who cannot drink, Can fake liquor with green tea. haha...

Throughout the night, except for the first cup of drink they pour for me is a bit strong with alchol. The rest I just add ice and plain water. haha It came to a stage I was drinking Ice water... haha.

It's was a rather fun evening ba I guess. Everything seems so new. But hee cannot do it too often, very unhealthy. =)

Last but not least I wanna thanks Elmo for opening the liquor and paying for my cover charge. I think he spent a lot yesterday. lol

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