December 28, 2008

My Tired Weekend.... LOL

Another weekend had just pasted. Haiz... Want to live a healthy lifestyle by sleeping early and get lots of rest. But like over the last 3 days did not really fulfill. lol

On Friday, my class got a VIP. Ha ha the "Legendary Fighter" Colin Chang. He's really good la. After about 4 years without taekwondo. Can still kick as fast lor. Mmm really enjoy him back =)

After class went to Mac, and chat till like 11pm plus then go back. Mmm as usual that same route back home. Just that now without Jervel on car le. -.-"
Saturday, woke up around 11plus went to Bisi class after my "Brunch". Help out in her Demo, apparently she like having a bit of problem with her husband, Mike. (Not too sure what). But no choice, Hee I'm a nice guy ma, so help out a bit lor. Ha ha. That was from 2 - 4pm

After that 4-7:30pm really nothing to do lor, so went swimming alone at Hougang Swimming Complex, Hee near to Jervel's house. =p.
At 7:30pm got dinner with sir and the rest of the tkd members. (Some kind of anniversary for lion dance troupe). That dinner did not really eat much. All focus on the performance they put up. Really nice lor. Never really seen a lion dance so up close. (Beside our table, jumping on poles)

After that dinner, joined Jo-an, Shermain and Wei Qun for late night movie "IP MAN" really nice arh. The fighting scene really made us wanna to join Wu Shu. haha. That was like 2am - 4am


Today, Sunday sleep till 4pm. Ha ha Pig right? then went for a hair cut at Elias mall. 6pm take bus to Airport to attend Yan Qin's wedding dinner (Poly Friend). Haiz... Really packed weekend. No time to rest..... Can weekend be a bit longer? haha

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