February 4, 2009

Craving for Ice Cream

Ha ha today is Day 2 of my tooth operation. And today whole day stayed at my auntie Wendy's house. Grandma cook porridge for me, like the the baby type of food. lol. NOt really use to it but no choice.

And today 3 people ask me to eat ice-cream to heal faster. Jervel, Mark and Catherine. So nice of them. Hee I think they should but for me and bring it to jurong east.. haha a bit bad hor. I cannot go out yet. The mediciene makes me drowsy sometimes.

Still I want to thank you people who sms me and showed care and concern. They are Sir Bruce Lee(Taekwondo), Melissa Ang(Secondary), Vicki(Poly Friends), Jervel Eo (Taekwondo), Catherine(Just known through an Ice Cream Session, Belle's friend). Christbelle(Secondary), Melissa Ho(Secondary), Jeslyn Yap(Best girl friend), Jeslyn Tan(My sis), Wendy Chua(Auntie), Grandma(father side and mother side), Chris Ng(Army Friend)... Mmm in a way I'm still quite blessed ah.

Thank you everyone..... I still wanna to eat ice cream. Mmm must go but tml. ho ho ho.

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