February 3, 2009

I have no wisdom liao.....

Lol today went to extract wisdom tooth. That day removed 1 at Mdm Alice clinic. Pain for 4 days lor. This time round remove one shot 5 tooth. Makes me so scared as first.

In the end. Still fine. I cannot really smile, due to a lower lip numb not really in pain(maybe is the pain killer effect still there. lol). lol but surprisingly I can still eat soft food like porridge. lol the forgetful me actually forgets the date my operation. haha thought it's Thursday. But then the Alexdrandra Hospital called to inform me it was today. Lol heart almost jumped out. Is it true that the bigger your wisdom tooth are, the better your thinking? Ha ha because I have very big wisdom tooth. And the one that removed at mdm's clinic was a complicated one. That tooth got 3roots and it curved at the end. spend a lot of time pulling out.

Today I was asked to report at 8:45am. Ha I was the first patient. When I arrive at 8:30am they all ask everyone is waiting for me. =.=" (Think just because they start work at 8am) lol they can't wait to pull out my teeth. about 8 nurses attended to me in total and 3 doctors spoke to me before I walked into the operation theater.

I was pull to sleep totally. When they removed my 5 tooth. Sounds scary ya. But I still have my wisdom la. will not forget my great friends out there. Hope I still can remember how a pattern was done. ho ho ho.

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