February 12, 2009

Thanks To My Respected cheif instructor - Bruce Lee

Today was rather an emo day for me. Y? Although I had recovered from my wisdom tooth operation le, but it left with me a throat infection. I got 1 oucer on my tongue, 1 on my gums and worst 1 on my throat(which kills me most). Doctor told me that is most properly is due to the wisdom tooth operation. (because I remove so many tooth one shot). AND TODAY. The one at my throat grows bigger =.=" (about a half a size of a ten cent coin). and it's located at my throat. Which means I cannot talk properly, I cannot even eat or drink properly. Guess wat I cannot even swallow my own saliva properly.

SOOooo today I was in a rather bad mood. I almost shouted at my colleague who kept on making me to speak to him =.=". But when I thought of I cannot scream or shout at him. I calm myself down. (I think it has been years since I last lost my temper. so just keep it that way ba).

Imagine you cannot shout like before, talk like before, eat or drink like before. Haiz... Just think of yourself in my shoes. (You're so hungry.... But the moment you think of that eating or drinking which will make your throat hurts.... you dun feel like eating yet so hungry. Every bite, every swallow of food cause pain....) lol.... seriously not so nice right?

And then today at zone 12. I cannot teach like before. Today's class sir Mike is so busy collecting money and no belt black can conduct the warm up. The class was like delayed for 10mins. Then my chief Instructor - Bruce Lee volunteered himself to teach the class. really respect him lor. I thought he just conduct the warm up. but in the end he end up conducting the whole lesson.... RESPECT RESPECT RESPECT.....

End of the class I buy both of them a drink.... I felt so bad..... and sad.... and pain.... T.T

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