January 2, 2009

Happy New Year to You my friends..... 2009

Hello Happy New year to you first. =) hee hee. Hope you all will have a great year ahead. Same goes to me hopefully. =.="

It's has been near to 2 weeks, but still thinking about "You know who" .... haha trying to get myself occupied with taekwondo so dun think so much, helping Vikki in all sorts of demonstration. Hee she wants us to do "High moment stuff" and as usual kanna "Fan" by my so call "Wife" in Taekwondo. haha you know who also. Lol.

Anyway, things had not been going so well for me these few weeks. Mmmm I think I havn't found my PEACE after all the visits to the temple around Singapore. (I think about 6 liao) lol with my grandparents too. They treat me fishsoup. Mmmm like a decay I've not been sitting down eating alone with them liao. A bit happy as well as sad, they really grew old le. (I've sent both my ah ma and ah gong to 3 temples to prey for good fortune for the whole family).

I hope I can find my peace in the year 2009 and to all my friends out there. Be happy and stay Happy. A big laughter is the cure to thousand of illness. So laugh out loud. Hee but make sure at the right time. hee hee (IMH Nearby too).... Best Wishes!!!!! Mucks......

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