January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year

Hee today at home did spring cleaning for my room. Lol lazy brother never help. So I did it all by myself. I thought I was simple. lol but I spent like 5 - 6 hours cleaning my room only. Ha ha maybe I too "Jie Pi" like army style everything want clean clean. I wipe even the dust stuck at the corner of the room. (lol dunno lie there how long liao).

And best is, due to my sensitive nose. I'm like sneezing all the way. Lol, cleaning and sneezing plus music playing sentimental songs. Ha ha thought of it, kind of fun... Packing the stuff also brings back memories. Things that I thought was gone long ago suddenly appear right before me. Ha ha things like Angel's "Love letter" that we used to exchange in secondary schools days. Cheryl birthday gift. 21st birthday photos. And even taekwondo photos where we took at bhcc.... Mmmm miss all my friends....

Things that I still kept such as birthday cards la, letters, haha even a diary I wrote last time... haha reading it just brings back sweets memories. =)

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