January 8, 2009

Taoist Federation Youth Group (TFYG)

Hee Yesterday evening just had the first meeting with the committee. So eye opening, The chairman, Aaron Tan, I think around the same age as me. But really can tell that he's experienced from the way he talked.

The committee was a rather small one about 13 people attend only, including Lixuan(Liyan's sis) and Kwang Tong. Hee Kwang Tong is Head Secretary in the board. and Li Xuan was chosen as the asst. Secretary. Hee for me I'm just a sub-group member. Hee but that's really fine for me. Focus Poomse Committee better. lol.

They briefed the whole year planning. Mmmm sound so interesting to me. Haa going to China, Xi An during June. Mmm if got subsidise for the trip I think I will go. Ha Ha got China obtain the "secret relics" and get enlighten also not bad ya.... Mmmm

And this weekend, will be going to a temple at Toa Payoh, to give out "ang baos" for old folks. Mmm, I see my life more meaningful by doing good deed. Ha ha I think do more good deed, will be blessed in someway or another. =)

Hee anyone interested to do some voluntary work can contact me ya. =) Cheers....

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