January 4, 2009

San Qing Gong and movie at JP - "Seven Pounds"

Today, went to help out at San Qing Gong - (Kwang Tong's Office - The Temple where Singapore Taoist Federation is located); it's sort of newspaper collection and old clothing collection from the residents living nearby. Ha ha, but the thing is, the temple is located opposite an industrial area, not much people living there lor, =.=" for the whole of 6 hours, we only got 4 people came to donate. haha instead, we spent our time there helping Lixuan (Li Yan's Sister and also KT asst.) doing some pasting of CNY cards.

And today I've finally joined their Youth Taoist Group. Ha ha guess it's fate ba. After the past 2 years of rejecting Kwang Tong of joining the group - which like grow from 6 members to today 70plus in 2 years. Ha ha for me instead of being the pioneer group. I became the 70th plus plus plus member. Lol.


After the volunteering work, I went from Bedok all the way to Jurong Point to watch a movie. Nothing in mind, so choose the show, "Seven Pounds". The show I think not meant for ppl with low IQ. haha Cos totally dunno what the show trying to say until the last 10 - 15mins of the show. You must also have a lot of patience to watch the show till that far lor. Ha ha. But really a meaningful show. Will Smith killed himself to save 7 other people which waited desperately for human organs to survive. Mmmm nice for boring people haha.

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