January 10, 2009

Red Cliff II..... And Topic on Jervel =.="

Just came back from Toa Payoh with Gorden, Shermain, Wei Qun, Darren and Derren. Was ticked by Gorden to movie. Tomorrow still have to wake up early to go temple to do voluntary work. lol. I still think Red Cliff 1 was better.

First, Gordon bluf me that tickets(@ Golden Village, Bishan) were already booked for me online liao. (Which I was relectuant to go for the movie so late at night). Then upon reaching there, after I buy my nachos Combo then he tell me no more tickets liao. (He did not book online, he assume that there will be tickets.) dotz....

Ok then we go Toa Payoh to watch that show. at 11:50 =.=" watch till 2am plus.

Best thing is they mentioned Jervel to me again =.=". Trying so hard these few weeks to forget certain stuff by going to temple and going out shopping, movie etc to peace my mind. Dotz.... It may seem like I dun care about Jervel in front of them (But the blow three weeks ago still hurt k), certain questions are very sensitive one ok. =.="

I've only got rejected by gals twice in my life so far. Frist was Cheryl and 2nd - Jervel. (To all my friends tonight: "I really appreciate your help, but if you want to know more and make me remember things I shouldn't. Mmmm pls PAY for my movie tickets or do more donations to temples - To peace my mind k =p)

Ha ha anyway they tried very hard to teach me how a get a gal. Ha ha had so much fun, Gorden suggested that 1st week must hold hands, 2nd week must hug, 3rd week must kiss.... haha I thought only can be heard from radio. But today I can't believe I hear it from him. lol Shermain must have been "Chi Duo Fu" a lot. haha (Not for me to comment)

Anyway to me, I respect myself and will put others before myself. Certain morals must come into place also ma. Hee never mind if I dun have a girlfriend for the rest of my life. I'll still live my life to the fullest. Follow the certain teachings of Buddhism and Taoism. Hommmmmmmm..... Ha ha ha.

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