January 27, 2009

It's New Year's Day

Today is "Chu Er" - (second day of Chinese New Year). As usual this year round nothing special. Alone at home doing nothing, hee so went for a moive with my relatives at E!Hub - "INKHEART". Hmmm I think it was not a very good show compared to similar movies like harry potter. But anyway hee better then nothing at all right?

Yesterday, was at Wendy's house. She called in Lion Dance to be performed at her place. Hee really loud and making the place messy with oranges skin, vegetables, and this year round even pineapples. haha but it is belive to bring luck. they also very really creative, formed words with the oranges provided. I think the lion troup must know not even Kung Fu but need also knowledge in arts as well haha. The way they arrange the oranges and pineapple, really artistic lor.

After the lion dance, I was invited by Elmo to Clark Quak, we were there with 2 other gals Crystalbelle and Janice (all sec friends).... lol again pub. =.=" I dun like it. lol end up like I spoiling their mood drinking orange juice. haha even the waiter laughed at me. Nearly had a good round of sparring with him. lol but the bouncer bigger size than me haha....

Me and Jancie only stayed only for a while. Then after the "Lunar Pub" followed Jancie to another place then head back home in a wat I think was a unique cab. Hee the cabby driver use his own pocket money to fix a Touch-Screen monitor which allows customer to play the song they like. Mmmm I think is very interesting. Or am I "sua gu".... Ha ha

After reaching home, again played games till 6am plus. Haiz 3rd night liao. Just cannot really sleep. Was it's the addiction to games (Warcraft) or is it something else.... Lol I also dun know.... =.="

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i watch a movie on new year day.