January 25, 2009

Mmmm The reunion Dinner

This year wee had a very early reunion dinner haha dinner at 5pm. lol At a restaurant in East Point. Waa there is good anf bad la. Mmm good is the food is served hot and fresh. Bad is very rush lor... like chase you to eat fast fast cos next group coming in. lol

And after the dinner, me, my sis and mum went to florist to shop for flower. Lol Wendy tell my mum die die must get fresh flowers for me and my sis. To bring good luck and more important get attached.... lol really sooo "mi xing". I dun really mind they say must buy "Tao Hua" in the end I buy a "Lian Hua Bamboo" haha. Attached or not really so important meh? Ke ke I have better things in life. To stay fit and healthy. =)

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